Renovations/Upgrades Project
Thanks so much to all those members who attended the “Building on History” Renovations/Upgrades Project kick-off meeting Wednesday December 6. There was a great turnout and lots of support for this exciting and much-needed project/plan for the Club’s future.
To all of you who could not attend or are away for the winter season, we want to ensure you are also informed of the plan and know how you can support to help with the completion of this project.
Meeting presentation key points
Completion of the noted upgrades and renovations over the next three years (3 Phase). The focus is on sustainability, accessibility and inclusivity. Total projected cost $1,200,000.
Various means to pay for the project, with the majority coming from government grants/funding.
To obtain these grants we need to show the stakeholders that the Club and its members are also making a financial commitment.
Along with the $58,000 Club contribution, we are hoping to raise a minimum of $125,000 in membership donations. We are targeting to have donations confirmed, whether they be one-time or multi-year commitments, by January 31, 2024. Donations after this time are also welcome.
Regarding the project plan, if you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out to any of the board or project committee members (see list below).
Member Donations
There are two ways to make a donation:
1. (No receipt required) Go to the St.George’s website
Link attached below.
Add “St.George's Upgrades/Renovation project” in the Comments section.
2. (Receipt required) Go to the National Sport Trust Fund website
Link attached below.
Reference "St.George’s Tennis Club, Project #NS23-0011" when completing
In-kind donation, such as shares of public companies, is possible and information can be found on the National Sport Trust Fund website. For further information contact Nick McBride, Sport Fund administrator, at 902-425-5450 or Brian Turnbull, committee member at 902-471-1655
Multi-year pledges are also welcome.
If you have any donation questions or want to discuss your donation plans you can contact:
Brian Turnbull -, 902-471-1655
Greg Milner -, 902-579-6935
Donnie Ehler -, 902-221-8668
St.George’s is "Building on History” and with your support we can make it happen.
Thank You.
Board Members
Susan Ehler, Joanne McCullough, Jennifer Frame, Mary Rose MacIntyre, Ann McDonald, Scott Sangster, Chiaki Stowe
Project Committee
Joanne MacCullough, Michael MacDonald, Brian Turnbull, Greg Milner, Donnie Ehler